Sue Ford was one of Australia's most important photographers and filmmakers. Her Time series (1960s-70s) is one of the key moments in late modernist Australian photography.
Ford passed away in late 2009, before her death she was working with MGA on an exhibition of her work which would include photographs of women from 1960s-70s and her Time series. The highlight of the exhibition is Ford's as yet unexhibited long-term project, Self-portrait with camera, an extraordinary series of 47 self-portraits taken between 1960 and 2006. Material will be drawn from Ford's archive, MGA's collection and the collection of the National Gallery of Australia.
Time machine will provide an excellent opportunity for Australian audiences to view Ford's important work and think about the relationship of photography, time and memory.
This exhibition and associated publication have received development assistance from NETS Victoria's Exhibition Development Fund Grant, supported by the Victorian Government through Arts Victoria, a division of the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Monash Gallery of Art gratefully acknowledges this assistance.